To get the most out of the course, be ready with a course project and have your computer setup ahead of time with the required software. If you would like to watch the course lectures before the week of the course they are available for you to watch via the links on this page. Please contact Jenn Sevadjian (Jennifer.Sevadjian at if you have questions about installing software, need ideas for your project, or have other questions about the course .
Participants are encouraged to come to the course with a project to work on and the information needed for the project. For example, if a project is to match up tagged animal tracks with satellite data, then track data (a list of dates, latitudes, and longitudes) would be required.
Attendees must provide their own laptop/device. Although the following software/packages/modules are optional, examples given in this workshop will use each of the software packages listed below and are suggested for completing exercises within the workshop. In the case of non-government software and off-site links, NOAA CoastWatch is not endorsing the product, but providing the link for convenience.
Please install the software well in advance of the course to leave time for addressing installation issues. NOAA employees, contractors, and affiliates using government-issued computers will likely require the approval and assistance of IT administrators to install software.
The latest version of R Studio is required to participate in the R tutorials and examples presented in the course.
Python 3 is required to participate in the Python tutorials and examples presented in the course.
pyproj, netCDF4, requests, matplotlib, pandas, cartopy, xarray, statsmodels, shapely, and cmocean.
ArcGIS may also be used in exercises. Users must have their own licensed version of this software in addition to the Data Management Tools Extension.
Please install the Environmental Data Connector (EDC), which is a helpful add-on for ArcGIS that is made available by the CoastWatch West Coast Node and NOAA/SWFSC/ERD.
Please install Panoply, a netCDF viewer developed by NASA. Panoply is available for download at:
and can be run on Windows, Mac and Linux computers.
Monday, Jan. 24 to Friday, Jan. 27, 2022
- Daily Overview: 10am-11am PDT (recommended)
- Office hours: 2pm-4 pm PDT (optional)
Friday, Jan. 28, 2021
- Presentation of class projects: 10am -11am PDT
(highly recommended)
Coming soon
Introduction to the ERDDAP Data Server
Wind, Salinity, Sea Surface Height
Playlist for all prerecorded lessons
ArcGIS Data (Narrated)
ArcGIS Tools (Narrated)
ArcGIS Exercises: Detailed
(Google Slides: non-NOAA participant must request access)