Chapter 8 Additional training and resources

notebook filename | 07-Resources.Rmd

8.1 Exercises written in R

NOAA CoastWatch West Coast Node CoastWatch West Coast Node has compiled examples that demonstrate techniques to extract data from the ERDDAP data servers to address fisheries research needs, such as matching up satellite data to ship/animal tracks and create time series oceanographic regions such as marine protected areas. The examples use the rerddapxtracto library written in R, which generates ERDDAP URLs for you and sends data requests to extract data using ERDDAP.
R Exercises -

8.2 NOAA CoastWatch Ocean Satellite Data Courses

Many of the NOAA CoastWatch nodes offer training in satellite ocean data use. The primary target audiences for the courses are scientists and managers who are involved in operational activities, but are not actively using satellite data in their work. The goal of the course is to provide participants the knowledge and tools they require to incorporate off-the-shelf satellite data products into their operational activities, without delving too much into the details of how the products are made.

Courses offered by the West Coast Node * West Coast Node courses page -

Please contact personnel for information about courses held near you.
